Best Birthday Wishes in Chinese with English Translations

Are you looking to express heartfelt birthday wishes in Chinese? Look no further! This article provides you with the best birthday wishes in Chinese, along with English translations, to help you convey your warmest sentiments. Whether you’re aiming for simple greetings or more elaborate messages filled with love and joy, we’ve got you covered. Each wish is crafted to resonate deeply, ensuring your emotions shine through. Discover how to say “Happy Birthday” in Chinese with genuine emotion, and make your loved one’s special day even more memorable with these unique and thoughtful greetings.

How to Say ‘Happy Birthday’ in Chinese: English Translations Included

生日快乐!愿你的生日充满欢乐和幸福。 – Happy Birthday! May your birthday be filled with joy and happiness.
祝你生日快乐,心想事成,万事如意。 – Wishing you a happy birthday, may all your wishes come true and everything goes well.
愿你在新的一岁里,健康快乐,笑口常开。生日快乐! – May you be healthy, happy, and smiling in the new year of your life. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,事业蒸蒸日上,家庭幸福美满。 – Wishing you a happy birthday, with a thriving career and a happy family life.
在这特别的日子里,愿你收获满满,快乐连连。生日快乐! – On this special day, may you be filled with joy and happiness. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日比蓝天更晴朗,比星星更闪亮。生日快乐! – May your birthday be brighter than the clear sky and shinier than the stars. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安,年年快乐! – Wishing you a happy birthday, peace and happiness every year!
愿你的生日像这美好的一天一样,充满惊喜和温馨。生日快乐! – May your birthday be as wonderful as this beautiful day, full of surprises and warmth. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,事业成功,家庭幸福,心想事成! – Wishing you a happy birthday, successful career, happy family, and all your wishes come true!
在你的生日里,愿幸福如影随形,快乐无处不在。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may happiness be with you everywhere you go. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日充满美好的回忆和未来的希望。生日快乐! – May your birthday be filled with wonderful memories and hopes for the future. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,青春永驻,笑容常开! – Wishing you a happy birthday, eternal youth, and a smiling face!
在你的生日里,愿快乐不断,幸福常伴。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may happiness be endless and happiness always be with you. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日如同美丽的花朵,绽放幸福和欢乐。生日快乐! – May your birthday bloom with happiness and joy like beautiful flowers. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,笑容灿烂,心想事成! – Wishing you a happy birthday, with a bright smile and all your wishes come true!
在这个特别的日子里,愿所有美好的祝福围绕着你。生日快乐! – On this special day, may all the good wishes surround you. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,健康长寿,心想事成! – Wishing you a happy birthday, long life, and all your wishes come true!
在你的生日里,愿幸福与你同行,快乐无限。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may happiness accompany you and joy be endless. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日像阳光一样明媚,像月亮一样温柔。生日快乐! – May your birthday be as bright as the sunshine and as gentle as the moonlight. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,美梦成真,幸福永远! – Wishing you a happy birthday, dreams come true, and happiness forever!
在你的生日里,愿一切美好的祝福都降临到你身上。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may all the good wishes come to you. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日如烟花般绚烂,如彩虹般美丽。生日快乐! – May your birthday be as brilliant as fireworks and as beautiful as a rainbow. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,幸福安康,一生平安! – Wishing you a happy birthday, happiness and health, and a lifetime of peace!
在你的生日里,愿你拥有满满的幸福和快乐。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may you have plenty of happiness and joy. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日像流星一样闪耀,像夜空一样美丽。生日快乐! – May your birthday shine like a shooting star and be as beautiful as the night sky. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日比蜜甜,比蜡烛闪亮。生日快乐! – May your birthday be sweeter than honey and brighter than candles. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日充满欢笑和温馨,快乐永远伴随着你。生日快乐! – May your birthday be filled with laughter and warmth, and may happiness always be with you. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,幸福安康,心想事成! – Wishing you a happy birthday, happiness and health, and all your wishes come true!
在你的生日里,愿你所有的梦想都成真,所有的希望都实现。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may all your dreams come true and all your hopes be fulfilled. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日如同绚丽的烟火,如同美妙的乐曲。生日快乐! – May your birthday be as dazzling as fireworks and as wonderful as music. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,心想事成,幸福永远! – Wishing you a happy birthday, may all your wishes come true and happiness be everlasting!
在你的生日里,愿你拥有美好的回忆和甜蜜的未来。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may you have wonderful memories and a sweet future. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日洋溢着快乐和幸福,温暖你的每一天。生日快乐! – May your birthday be filled with joy and happiness, warming every day of your life. Happy Birthday!
祝你生日快乐,幸福美满,心想事成! – Wishing you a happy birthday, complete happiness, and all your wishes come true!
在你的生日里,愿你的笑容比阳光明媚,幸福永远相伴。生日快乐! – On your birthday, may your smile be brighter than the sunshine and happiness always be with you. Happy Birthday!
愿你的生日如同美丽的童话,充满魔法和神奇。生日快乐! – May your birthday be like a beautiful fairy tale, full of magic and wonder. Happy Birthday!
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